working on DST points system

  • 2 Replies
working on DST points system
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:58:16 pm »

I am working on DST points system, just FYI

Old scoring for team defenses:

   Shut out = 15 points
   1-6 points allowed = 10 points
   7-13 points allowed = 5 points
   14-17 points allowed = 2 point
   17-34 points allowed = 0 points
   35-xxx points allowed = -5 points

   Interceptions = 2 points
   Fumbles recovered = 2 points
   Safety = 5 points
   Sacks = 2 point   
   Blocked any FG/XP/Punt- 4 points

   Any defensive or special teams touchdown scored = 6 points

New Scoring for team defenses:

   Shut out = 15 points
   1-6 points allowed = 10 points
   7-13 points allowed = 8 points
   14-17 points allowed = 5 point
   17-34 points allowed = 2 points
   35-xxx points allowed = -3 points
This points is the defense allowed points not including special team scoring against.

   Interceptions = 2 points
   Fumbles recovered = 2 points
   Safety = 5 points
   Sacks = 2 point   
   Blocked any FG/XP/Punt- 4 points

   Any defensive or special teams touchdown scored = 6 points

Did we have yards allowed in the past?  Did we remove it because website wont allow us??



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RE: working on DST points system
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2015, 04:12:02 pm »
Yes we used to have yardage but website does not allow us. ESPN does have that feature, putting it back from our old guideline. I need to update the guideline.  Scoring states:
Less than 100 total yards allowed (YA100)   10      100-199 total yards allowed (YA199)   7
200-299 total yards allowed (YA299)   5      300-349 total yards allowed (YA349)   3

RE: working on DST points system
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2015, 10:28:51 pm »
I like those...