Bid increment process

  • 3 Replies
Bid increment process
« on: April 21, 2014, 06:06:22 pm »
I totally agree with Rood's point of view about silly bid increments by owners. I think 25k should apply to any bids that are under 1M. After 1M, 100k. I think it's absurd that I see some owners bid like 1.51 to 1.52 to 1.53. It prolongs the bid process. For example, CJ Spiller bid started last March 13th and only 2M with a lot of bidding on CJ. I know it can't be effective this year but can do it next year.

29ers `14, `15, n`16 Champs



RE: Bid increment process
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2014, 06:50:41 pm »
Agree with them silly each 1 extra bid waste time anyway
propose next year thank to them



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RE: Bid increment process
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 12:06:19 am »
10k is there for some cap issue team... but overabusing it leads new rule which I do not want to add it.

Ronnie Zuchegno did bring it up 3 years after two owners keep on bidding each other 10k back and forth. He proposes to STOP. Be reasonable with biddings.

Russ- I know you are correct but we already address this situation 3 years ago and everybody knows it. Do you want me to make a motion because of that? If thats the case, the guideline will be 100 pages.



RE: Bid increment process
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 07:01:36 am »
Think best for us add with old guideline sentence that just exact 25 K over high bid  
What would all of u like that ? Effect this year period no necessary for next year !!