Yeah- its always been BRANTON- he doesnt look at himself as he always famous for pointing fingers to people other than himself. Sigh- I m so used to it so hence the reason for me not to get even.. Just state the facts and move on..
Falcons won nada in history
Hawks won nada in history
Braves- out of all those playoffs they went- only measly 1 out of all (but he would want to include older team so I believe they won 3 total out of 100 yrs)
3 champs in Branton's history of all PROs of his liking
Russ's team
Dolphins - 2 champs
Heat- 1
Yankees- 27 champs
30 champs total- and will continue to rise... (sigh- dunno what I should do) -
I m humbled due to my rich experience- I look forward for one day for falcons to win SB, so Branton can feel good about himself and stop yapping like a child...
Knowing Branton, he will say something back to me then he will vp and say something then he will say what for and why and etc--- I have all answers ready to answer as always !