Prize as of today- (prize pending on transactions)
Division Champ $100- Irondequoit Zebras, Detroit Freaks
Wildcard prize $50- Orlando, Vermont, Washington, Atlanta, Flint, Miami
Season overall pts champ- $ 75- Orlando
Season overall 2nd place $50- Detroit
Weekly Prize $10-
Orlando (4)- 1,5,6,12
Washington (2)- 2,9
Flint (2)- 3,13
Irondequoit (2)- 4,7
Detroit (1)- 11
Dallas (1)- 10
Philadelphia (1)- 8
Hall of Fame $10-
Buffalo- 1 (QB)
Houston-1 (RB)
Orlando- 2 (WR and K)
Flint-1 (TE)
Vermont 1- (Def)
Irondequoit- 1 (Owner)