To me, RZ's first post was fine until second post after couple of hrs which he added insurance cut which he should not have done in first place that screwed up his bid. Same thing with SW lost Best by his mistake when he HAD enuff salary. He accepted and move on, so can he? To me, seems like he is trying to bend the rule and play dumb when the commissioner ALREADY announced that about couple weeks ago that no one is to change or forgot to add, nothing at all except by commissioner.
RZ, you know better than that cuz look at time stamp where you bid at 7:04pm. That's WHEN euchre league start, and you caught my conversation with SW about LeShoure, so I am sure you used iPhone or RRCD computer to bid before time expire, which is fine with me, until you finish play euchre, that's about couple hrs for 5 games, and then added Insurance cut. I would say damn, if you only post once, but twice?!?! That's one big mistake you made, and would be unfair to other. So nice try, though. So I am opposed to RZ's appeal.